The ROMAN function in Excel helps convert regular numbers into Roman numerals. This function is useful when you need to display numbers in a classical format, such as for titles, outlines, or historical data.
On the other hand, the ARABIC function, converts Roman numerals back into regular numbers, making it useful for calculations or data analysis.
What are Roman numerals?
Roman numerals are represented by combinations of letters
- I = 1
- V = 5
- X = 10
- L = 50
- C = 100
- D = 500
- M = 1000
To create a number, you just have to write as many letters corresponding to the value you want to express
- 3 = III
- 25 = XXV
- 178 = CLXXVIII
There is a specific notation to use when you reach a new level. For instance, 4 can be written with IIII, but it's confusing with III. This is why Romans introduced clever writing by subtracting one of the next levels, so 4 = IV.
Other examples of subtractive notation:
- 9 = IX
- 40 = XL
- 90 = XC
- 99 = XCIX
Use of Roman numbers
Roman numerals are still used in certain situations:
- Chapter Numbers in Books
- Year of a movie or television documentary
- Commemorative Inscriptions, for example, the Statue of Liberty's book
- Important Texts, like the constitution
Convert numbers to Roman numbers
With Excel, it's effortless to convert any number to its Roman numerals with the function ROMAN =ROMAN(Number)
- The font used for the roman numerals is "Georgia"
Convert Roman numerals to numbers
Since Excel 2013, you can also convert Roman numerals to numbers with the ARABIC function =ARABIC(Roman numerals)