WordPress offers a variety of shortcuts to make writing articles easier. While some are straightforward, others are more hidden. Let's discover them in this article.
Display the shortcut lists
To view the shortcuts list, you can do so from the WordPress options or use the shortcut Shift + Alt + H
In this list, we discover classic shortcuts like,
- Ctrl + I = Italic
- Ctrl + B = Bold
- Ctrl + S = Save your document
- Ctrl + U = Underline your text
- Ctrl + K = Insert a hyperlink
But there are also interesting shortcuts like
- [[ ( 2 times the symbol [ ) to create an internal link to an existing post 👍
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T to move up your bloc
- Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Y to move down your bloc
- / to display the list of blocs. You can also filter the list of blocs by adding letters (like /ima to display the bloc image)
But in this list, no information about how to create a bullet list or heading. In fact for that, you can use the markdown.
Create a bullet list.
To create a bullet list, you must write - ( Dash + Space bar ). WordPress recognizes that you're creating a bullet list as soon as you press the space bar 😉
Create an ordered list.
The shortcut to create an ordered list is 1. ( 1 + Period + Space bar ). If you write 1 (without period), it won't work 😟
Create a heading
To create a heading from an empty bloc, you must use the shortcut # (pound sign). But that's not all. The number of pound signs will indicate the level of the heading.
- Heading 1 = # (pound sign + space)
- Heading 2 = ## (pound sign + pound sign + space)
- Heading 3 = ###
- .......
Or, if you have already written your text, you can convert your paragraph with the shortcut Shift + Alt + 1 to 6 . The heading level depends on the number you used.
Delete a Bloc
- Shift+Alt+Z