Create an online survey with Excel

Last Updated on 15/10/2024
Reading time: 3 minutes

With the cloud technology, you can create a survey with Excel OnLine and share it to your audience easily.

Survey made with Excel

Click on the following picture to visualize an exemple of survey made with Excel Online

Create a survey

There is 2 ways to create a survey. But, you must open your personal OneDrive or SharePoint account. Not your Excel application ⚠⚠⚠

Open Excel Online

Once you are on your OneDrive portal, click on New > Excel workbook

Then, click on the menu Insert > Survey > New Survey

Create your survey directly from the portal

Also, you can directly create a Survey from the Home page of your OneDrive

Start your survey

A new window shows you the 3 states of the survey

  • Create a survey
  • Share with your audience
  • View the result of the answers

Here, you select Create and you click on Got it

Insert your questions

First your have to enter a title to your survey and give a description. It's not compulsory but it's better.

And also a description

Then you select the box "Enter your first question here" and click on the gear. A new dialog box appears with many options for the questions.

Type of questions

The Microsoft survey cover all the type of questions (unique choice, multi-choice, yes/no, ...)

When you click on the Response Type, you can choice between

  • Text
  • Paragraph Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Time
  • Yes / No
  • Choice

In function of your selection, the options for the question are different.

For the option "Choice", you write the different answers that people can select.

Then simply click on the "Add a new question" to add this question to your survey.

Reorder your questions

You can easily change the orders of your questions with a drag and drop action

View the result of your creation

Add more questions to your survey and click on Save an View to visualize how the survey will be display for your audience.

And you see this screen

Share the survey

Now, once you click on Share Survey, you have a dialog box with a link

In this example, the link is:!AiJROV_khZNKhooa5dH4lXtELGkZXA?wdFormId=%7B719138AA%2D602C%2D404D%2DA715%2D2C3A9B9D751E%7D

View the results

Of course, for you at the end, what you want is to see the answers.

Return to your OneDrive and open the Documents folder. There you will find among your files, an Excel workbook with the attribute Survey.

Just open the file to see the answers to your questions or embedded it in a webpage. If you have answer to the survey, reload this page to see your answer display in the next workbook.


  1. MONTELEONE Catherine
    18/11/2023 @ 23:39

    Bonjour Frédéric,
    Ces explications sont claires et bien détaillées.
    Mais je ne vois pas comment faire un questionnaire et non un formulaire, avec une génération de classeur Excel sur Sharepoint.
    Un questionnaire, c'est simple, un classeur en ligne, pas de soucis, mais les deux ensemble, je sèche.
    Merci de vos lumières.


    • Frédéric LE GUEN
      06/12/2023 @ 05:33

      J'avoue que les 2 termes sont confondants. C'est plus un formulaire qu'un questionnaire honnêtement


  2. Preet
    21/07/2022 @ 07:09

    Thank you ,
    This was very very important and helpful


  3. Preet
    21/07/2022 @ 07:08

    I like excel .I’m brilliant and honest
    So I’m so excited


  4. Percy
    23/03/2022 @ 01:04

    Thank You, this was very helpful


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Create an online survey with Excel

Reading time: 3 minutes
Last Updated on 15/10/2024

With the cloud technology, you can create a survey with Excel OnLine and share it to your audience easily.

Survey made with Excel

Click on the following picture to visualize an exemple of survey made with Excel Online

Create a survey

There is 2 ways to create a survey. But, you must open your personal OneDrive or SharePoint account. Not your Excel application ⚠⚠⚠

Open Excel Online

Once you are on your OneDrive portal, click on New > Excel workbook

Then, click on the menu Insert > Survey > New Survey

Create your survey directly from the portal

Also, you can directly create a Survey from the Home page of your OneDrive

Start your survey

A new window shows you the 3 states of the survey

  • Create a survey
  • Share with your audience
  • View the result of the answers

Here, you select Create and you click on Got it

Insert your questions

First your have to enter a title to your survey and give a description. It's not compulsory but it's better.

And also a description

Then you select the box "Enter your first question here" and click on the gear. A new dialog box appears with many options for the questions.

Type of questions

The Microsoft survey cover all the type of questions (unique choice, multi-choice, yes/no, ...)

When you click on the Response Type, you can choice between

  • Text
  • Paragraph Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Time
  • Yes / No
  • Choice

In function of your selection, the options for the question are different.

For the option "Choice", you write the different answers that people can select.

Then simply click on the "Add a new question" to add this question to your survey.

Reorder your questions

You can easily change the orders of your questions with a drag and drop action

View the result of your creation

Add more questions to your survey and click on Save an View to visualize how the survey will be display for your audience.

And you see this screen

Share the survey

Now, once you click on Share Survey, you have a dialog box with a link

In this example, the link is:!AiJROV_khZNKhooa5dH4lXtELGkZXA?wdFormId=%7B719138AA%2D602C%2D404D%2DA715%2D2C3A9B9D751E%7D

View the results

Of course, for you at the end, what you want is to see the answers.

Return to your OneDrive and open the Documents folder. There you will find among your files, an Excel workbook with the attribute Survey.

Just open the file to see the answers to your questions or embedded it in a webpage. If you have answer to the survey, reload this page to see your answer display in the next workbook.


  1. MONTELEONE Catherine
    18/11/2023 @ 23:39

    Bonjour Frédéric,
    Ces explications sont claires et bien détaillées.
    Mais je ne vois pas comment faire un questionnaire et non un formulaire, avec une génération de classeur Excel sur Sharepoint.
    Un questionnaire, c'est simple, un classeur en ligne, pas de soucis, mais les deux ensemble, je sèche.
    Merci de vos lumières.


    • Frédéric LE GUEN
      06/12/2023 @ 05:33

      J'avoue que les 2 termes sont confondants. C'est plus un formulaire qu'un questionnaire honnêtement


  2. Preet
    21/07/2022 @ 07:09

    Thank you ,
    This was very very important and helpful


  3. Preet
    21/07/2022 @ 07:08

    I like excel .I’m brilliant and honest
    So I’m so excited


  4. Percy
    23/03/2022 @ 01:04

    Thank You, this was very helpful


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