Build a nested IF in Excel

Last Updated on 07/12/2024
Reading time: 3 minutes

A Nested IF formula in Excel helps you test different conditions within one formula, allowing you to make several decisions based on your data. This article explains how Excel’s Nested IF function can solve complex choices easily, making it a useful tool for handling many conditions without mistakes. In Excel, you can use the functions:

  1. IF
  2. IFS

#1: Write Several IF

The IF function returns 2 results according to the result of a logic test. But what if we are looking to return more than 2 results? The method is to write another IF formula for the FALSE argument.

Nested IF in Excel

Let's say you want to give a gift to your employees according to gender and also seniority in the company.

  • For the men, you give them the Gift 1
  • For women with less than 5 years of seniority, it's the Gift 2
  • And for the women with 5 years of seniority and more, it's the Gift 3

So, first, we write a test for the men

=IF(C2="male","Gift 1")

First part of the nested IF

Now, for the FALSE argument, we write the second IF function for the test for the women and the seniority

Nested IF with 3 situations

And now, if we also apply the seniority for the men, this time we have 4 situations to manage

=IF(AND(C2="male",D2<5),"Gift 1", IF(AND(C2="male",D2>5),"Gift 4",
IF(AND(C2="female",D2<5),"Gift 2","Gift 3")))

Nested IF with 4 Result

Remark: To split your formula, place the cursor on your formula and press the shortcut Alt + Enter

#2: The IFS Function

As you can see, the more logical tests you have, the longer the formula is. This is why Microsoft has released a new function to avoid nested IF. This function is IFS, and it's very simple to write.

But, you MUST trick the last argument. Whatever the number of logical tests you write, the last one MUST be TRUE. For that, if all the previous tests are FALSE, the last one will be TRUE 😉

  • Logical test 1 => result when the test is TRUE
  • Logical test 2 => result when the test is TRUE
  • Logical test 3 => result when the test is TRUE
  • ....
  • TRUE => Your last argument must be TRUE to be sure to return one value

In our case, the writing of the IFS function is

=IFS(AND(C2="male",D2<5),"Gift 1", AND(C2="male",D2>5),"Gift 4",
AND(C2="female",D2<5),"Gift 2",TRUE,"Gift 3")

IFS function with 4 tests

#3: Search between values

Building nested IF is unnecessary in this situation because Excel has 2 great functions. 😀👍

If you need to determine a value within a numerical range, you can utilize the VLOOKUP function or the more advanced XLOOKUP function. In the example below, we demonstrate how to calculate the bonus percentage for salespeople based on the number of cars they have sold.

VLOOKUP to return a value in a range of values

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Build a nested IF in Excel

Reading time: 3 minutes
Last Updated on 07/12/2024

A Nested IF formula in Excel helps you test different conditions within one formula, allowing you to make several decisions based on your data. This article explains how Excel’s Nested IF function can solve complex choices easily, making it a useful tool for handling many conditions without mistakes. In Excel, you can use the functions:

  1. IF
  2. IFS

#1: Write Several IF

The IF function returns 2 results according to the result of a logic test. But what if we are looking to return more than 2 results? The method is to write another IF formula for the FALSE argument.

Nested IF in Excel

Let's say you want to give a gift to your employees according to gender and also seniority in the company.

  • For the men, you give them the Gift 1
  • For women with less than 5 years of seniority, it's the Gift 2
  • And for the women with 5 years of seniority and more, it's the Gift 3

So, first, we write a test for the men

=IF(C2="male","Gift 1")

First part of the nested IF

Now, for the FALSE argument, we write the second IF function for the test for the women and the seniority

Nested IF with 3 situations

And now, if we also apply the seniority for the men, this time we have 4 situations to manage

=IF(AND(C2="male",D2<5),"Gift 1", IF(AND(C2="male",D2>5),"Gift 4",
IF(AND(C2="female",D2<5),"Gift 2","Gift 3")))

Nested IF with 4 Result

Remark: To split your formula, place the cursor on your formula and press the shortcut Alt + Enter

#2: The IFS Function

As you can see, the more logical tests you have, the longer the formula is. This is why Microsoft has released a new function to avoid nested IF. This function is IFS, and it's very simple to write.

But, you MUST trick the last argument. Whatever the number of logical tests you write, the last one MUST be TRUE. For that, if all the previous tests are FALSE, the last one will be TRUE 😉

  • Logical test 1 => result when the test is TRUE
  • Logical test 2 => result when the test is TRUE
  • Logical test 3 => result when the test is TRUE
  • ....
  • TRUE => Your last argument must be TRUE to be sure to return one value

In our case, the writing of the IFS function is

=IFS(AND(C2="male",D2<5),"Gift 1", AND(C2="male",D2>5),"Gift 4",
AND(C2="female",D2<5),"Gift 2",TRUE,"Gift 3")

IFS function with 4 tests

#3: Search between values

Building nested IF is unnecessary in this situation because Excel has 2 great functions. 😀👍

If you need to determine a value within a numerical range, you can utilize the VLOOKUP function or the more advanced XLOOKUP function. In the example below, we demonstrate how to calculate the bonus percentage for salespeople based on the number of cars they have sold.

VLOOKUP to return a value in a range of values

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